

The Virtual Program for Adult Evangelization and Sacramental Preparation will close indefinitely for review and restructuring on Friday, March 24, 2023. The last day to receive applications will be Friday, March 10, 2023.

Faith Formation Program for Adults

Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Charity – Ermita de la Caridad.

We offer this program as support to the adult faith formation programs of the archdiocesan parishes of Miami.

This is NOT an abbreviated or substitute program of parish RCIA, nor it is a quick preparation for sacraments. We follow the Lord’s command to His Apostles, at the end of the Gospel of St. Matthew:

“Go you to the end of the Earth, baptizing in the name of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, TEACHING all that I have taught you”
[Mt. 28: 19-20].

This ministry is the inspiration of the founder of this Shrine, Most Reverend Agustin Roman.

It will be our greatest spiritual desire to serve and share our knowledge of faith with all of you.

Rev. Fr. Jose Espino

Virtual Option of the Program

  1. This program is intended to provide Catholic Faith Formation for those adults (18+) looking to go deeper in the knowledge of their faith.
  2. The course consist in twelve (12) instructional lessons which are required to be completed as minimum of one per week from starting day.
  3. It is mandatory have the permission of your jurisdictional parish pastor to participate in this course. Download the "Parish Permission Form", fill in your personal information and bring it to your parish to get the pastor signature and parish seal.
  4. After submitting your registration form and the required documents, your registration will be revised and you will receive an email letting you know if your application have been accepted, declined, or if you need to provide more information.
  5. Once your registration is accepted, you will receive and email with an invitation to be enrolled in the virtual learning platform and start the program.
  6. We have chosen for this course the learning virtual platform Modlecloud.

Parish Permission Form

The traditional face-to-face program option is temporally suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic.

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